Never Keep Bad Friends

Never Keep Bad Friends – Avoid Damage To Your Life

We all know the phrase ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.' For every human friendship is necessary to make life lively and interesting. Good friends give positive energy and help to make life successful. Bad friends guide you in the wrong way. Never keep bad friends because they will damage your life.

Updated on July 5, 2024

We all know the phrase ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.‘ For every human friendship is necessary to make life lively and interesting. Good friends give positive energy and help to make life successful. Bad friends guide you in the wrong way. Never keep bad friends because they will damage your life.

Moral Story – Never Keep Bad Friends

A man took a glass of water and kept it on the table. Due to some urgent work, he went out of the room. Near the glass of water, a bottle of poison also was on the table. Looking at the water, poison smiled and said, “Your life will end soon because that man will drink you.

Those words shocked the water and asked the poison to suggest a way to escape from this problem. Poison replied, “I will give a drop from me to you and that will change your colour. When the man sees your colour change, he will not drink.” The water felt happy and found a saviour in poison.

Water requested poison to mix a drop into the water to save. Poison mixed a drop into the water and the colour of the water changed. The man returned and took the glass of water to drink. When he saw the colour change, he left the room without drinking the water.

His action thrilled the water and said, “My friend poison saved me”. Water told Poison, “Now you can change me to the original condition and colour.

With a simple smile, poison replied, “Friend, I can only mix with the water, but I can not take back from the water. Now you are poison and not pure water.”

Do you know What Is The Difference Between Frenemies And Friends?

Bad friends damage your life

Some friends are like poison. We do not recognise them. They inject poison in our thoughts and actions. We trust them as our saviours. Without our permission and knowledge, their poison grows very fast in our life. We identify their reality only when everything is out of control. 

Remember, we have only one life and that is also short. Be cautious when selecting friends. Never mix friendship with the thoughts of religion, casteism and politics.

Don’t give priority to money and fame in life. Give priority to becoming a better human. Help others and brighten your life.

What is your daily routine? Wake up early in the morning, freshen up, go for a morning walk? Do you walk with friends, meet people while travelling and at work? The coexistence makes life what it is. Our sharing in this life journey belongs to no one in particular but all of us in it.

Need for friendship

You will meet people with different characters in life. Some are close friends with whom you share your stories. Sometimes, you get offended by your close friends. When they apologize do not shut them out.

Always keep in mind that the purpose of your life is to achieve a goal of peace and satisfaction. You cannot achieve this goal on just your own without the help of others.

Everyone has stories in their life, either sad or happy. If we do not share those stories, that makes it unlived. To make your life journey interesting, you need the help of others by sharing warmth, love, ideas and stories together.

Ultimate Aim

Your ultimate aim should be to become better yourself. To achieve that aim, you need to hear voices that are harsh, contrary and on many occasions unsolicited. That helps to test your conviction and position.

You must have heard the well-known saying,All that glitters is not gold“. The meaning is that not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. This applies to people as well.

Use your brain and a keen eye to separate chalk from cheese. At times, precious gems sparkle from the most unlikely sources.

10 Differences Between Good Friends and Bad Friends

Differences Between Good Friends and Bad Friends
10 Differences Between Good Friends and Bad Friends

Good Friends

  • Celebrate your success.
  • Respect your alone time.
  • Good friends are caring and empathetic.
  • Respect you and value your friendship.
  • Enjoy exchanging opinions.
  • Believe your words.
  • Call them because they miss you.
  • Accept you the way you are.
  • Know that everyone has their friends, and they won’t judge you for that.
  • Know how to keep a secret.

Bad Friends

  • Get jealous of your achievement.
  • Try to occupy all your time.
  • Judge and criticise you.
  • Lose their temper easily.
  • Only want to win an argument.
  • Doubt everything you say.
  • Find you only when they need your help.
  • Try to change and control yourself.
  • Don’t like your other friends.
  • Say things they shouldn’t say.

Always be ready to accept good people and avoid the wrong people. We have to live together in this world. So be ready to get offended, forgive and embrace the genuine apology with a peaceful heart. Remember it is all part of the story of the short life. Be careful when selecting friends.

Final Thoughts

Never keep bad friends else they will inject poison into your life. That will grow in your life without your permission and knowledge and affect your personal, family and community life. Try to identify the person and if found anything wrong at any time, avoid that friendship.

Are you careful in selecting friends?

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