How To Control Loose Talk And Argument?

How To Control Loose Talk And Argument?

Think before you speak. It is on your tongue, say something, only if you mean it. Meaningful silence is always better than Meaningless words. Silence benefits are many, you can practice and experience it in your daily life. Learn to control loose talk and argument.

Updated on July 5, 2024

In a world where opinions flow freely and discussions abound, some individuals have a penchant for loose talk and engaging in unnecessary arguments. This habit often leads to unforeseen and undesirable consequences, as they may not fully grasp the detrimental effects of their words. Amidst the cacophony of chatter, the value of silence often goes unnoticed. In fact, silence can be a powerful tool, far more effective than responding to loose talk and superfluous debates. By choosing to remain silent, one can demonstrate their character and maintain a positive attitude. In this exploration, we delve into the realm of loose talk, the advantages of embracing silence, and how it can significantly impact our lives.

What Is Loose Talk?

Loose talk, also known as idle talk or thoughtless chatter, refers to the act of engaging in conversation or expressing opinions without careful consideration, relevance, or a valid reason. It often involves speaking impulsively, without regard for the potential consequences of one’s words. Loose talk can encompass a wide range of behaviours, including gossiping, spreading rumours, making baseless accusations, engaging in unnecessary arguments, and making thoughtless or hurtful comments.

Loose talk can be harmful as it can lead to misunderstandings, strained relationships, and even conflicts. It often lacks substance and can be a source of frustration and annoyance for those on the receiving end. In contrast, practising restraint and thoughtfulness in communication can contribute to more meaningful and productive interactions.

How To Control Loose Talk - Silence Benefits
How To Control Loose Talk And Argument?

Loose Talk Moral Story

Here’s an intriguing tale featuring a donkey and a tiger, which serves as an instructive narrative highlighting the advantages of maintaining silence and avoiding loose talk.

Once upon a time, in a lush grass field, a Donkey crossed paths with a Tiger. In a casual exchange, the Donkey asserted, ‘The grass here is blue.’ The Tiger, however, firmly countered, ‘No, the grass is green.’ What began as a simple disagreement quickly escalated into an intense argument, with both creatures unwavering in their respective positions. Seeking resolution, they decided to approach the Lion, the esteemed ruler of the animal kingdom.

They found the majestic Lion seated regally on his throne in the heart of the forest. Respectfully, they presented their quandary to the mighty King, seeking his wisdom to settle the matter. Eager to make his case, the Donkey blurted out, ‘Your Highness, is it not true that the grass here is blue?’ Before the Tiger could respond, the Lion, with a regal nod, affirmed, ‘Indeed, the grass is blue.’

Buoyed by the Lion’s unexpected agreement, the Donkey seized the moment and added, ‘This Tiger here refuses to acknowledge the blueness of the grass and has been a source of annoyance to me. I beseech Your Highness to punish him accordingly.’ In response to this plea, King Lion issued a verdict: ‘Tiger shall be confined to a year of imprisonment.’

Overjoyed by the outcome, the Donkey revelled in celebration throughout the jungle, while the Tiger was left bewildered and incarcerated.

However, after the court’s judgment, the Tiger approached the Lion, respectfully seeking clarification. ‘Your Highness,’ he inquired, ‘is it not the case that the grass is, in fact, green?’ The Lion, without hesitation, confirmed, ‘Yes, indeed, the grass is green.’ Perplexed, the Tiger pressed on, ‘If my assertion was correct, why then have I been sentenced to jail?’

In response, the wise Lion elucidated, ‘Your punishment is not for contending whether the grass is blue or green. It is for engaging in a debate with a foolish Donkey. A creature as brave and intelligent as you should not have stooped to argue with a Donkey, and furthermore, you have come here seeking a judgment on such a trivial matter. Remember, sometimes, it is wiser to remain silent than to engage in futile arguments with those who lack understanding.’


The moral of this story is that sometimes it’s wiser to stay silent and avoid arguments, especially when dealing with individuals who are not open to reason. Engaging in pointless debates with those who cannot comprehend or appreciate logic can lead to unnecessary trouble and consequences.

How To Control Loose Talk?

Controlling loose talk requires self-awareness and conscious effort. Here are some strategies to help you control loose talk:

  1. Think Before You Speak:
    • Take a moment to consider what you want to say and its potential impact.
    • Ask yourself if your words are necessary and constructive.
  2. Practice Active Listening:
    • Pay attention to what others are saying instead of thinking about your response.
    • Show empathy and understanding in your responses.
  3. Avoid Gossip:
    • Refrain from discussing other people’s personal lives, especially in a negative or judgmental manner.
    • If you find yourself in a gossiping situation, redirect the conversation to more positive topics.
  4. Stay Calm When Angry:
    • When you’re upset or angry, take a step back and breathe before responding.
    • Avoid lashing out or saying hurtful things in the heat of the moment.
  5. Be Mindful of the Tone:
    • Consider the tone of your voice and body language. Ensure they convey respect and openness.
    • Avoid sarcasm, aggressive tones, or offensive language.
  6. Choose Words Wisely:
    • Use precise and respectful language to express your thoughts.
    • Avoid exaggerations or inflammatory statements.
  7. Practice Empathy:
    • Try to understand the perspectives and feelings of others.
    • Use language that shows empathy and support.
  8. Maintain Confidentiality:
    • If someone confides in you, respect their trust and keep their information confidential.
    • Avoid sharing sensitive or personal information about others without their consent.
  9. Limit Negative Topics:
    • Reduce discussions about negative or controversial subjects that can lead to loose talk.
    • Focus on constructive and positive conversations.
  10. Reflect on Past Conversations:
    • Periodically review your past interactions and identify areas where you tend to engage in loose talk.
    • Make a conscious effort to improve in those areas.
  11. Seek Feedback:
    • Ask trusted friends or family members for feedback on your communication style.
    • Be open to constructive criticism and use it to make positive changes.
  12. Set Communication Goals:
    • Establish personal communication goals to improve your speech and reduce loose talk.
    • Monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Remember that controlling loose talk is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and practice. Over time, you can develop better communication habits that promote positive interactions and healthy relationships.

In this video, Devika Bhatnagar explains easy steps to control loose talk.

There is an old saying “Speech is Silver, Silence is Gold“.


Meaningful silence is often more powerful and valuable than speaking meaningless words. Effective communication involves not just expressing oneself but also listening actively to others. Interrupting and speaking without purpose can hinder productive conversations. Therefore, it’s essential to choose our words carefully, speak with intention, and respect the timing and space for others to express themselves. This approach fosters better understanding and more meaningful interactions.

What Are The Benefits Of Embracing Silence In Daily Life?

Many individuals often ponder the advantages of incorporating silence into their daily routines. Silence is not synonymous with remaining quiet at all times; rather, it entails exercising restraint in loose talk and unnecessary arguments. If we observe videos featuring great personalities, we can discern how they maintain silence even when faced with insults or provocations. The benefits of embracing silence are manifold and can be cultivated in one’s daily life.

Have you ever contemplated why we are bestowed with two ears and just one mouth by the creator? It is a reminder to listen more and speak less, and to do so with thoughtfulness and relevance. While your ears remain perpetually open, receiving all sounds without your intervention, your mouth is under your complete control, enabling you to choose when and how to articulate words, be they good or bad.

Embracing silence, therefore, equips you with a powerful tool for effective communication, self-control, and fostering harmonious relationships in your daily interactions.

The Power Of Silence

Maintaining silence is often the wisest course of action in various situations. For instance, when you lack knowledge about a particular topic, it’s better to stay silent rather than offer uninformed opinions. Similarly, when anger surges within you, choosing silence over hastily spoken words can prevent you from uttering regrettable statements that may hurt others.

Words have the power to deeply wound, so it’s essential to use them thoughtfully, aiming to avoid causing harm to your listeners. In moments of anger, expressing provocative words can escalate conflicts and lead to unforeseen and undesirable consequences. Thus, practising restraint in such instances is a valuable skill, promoting peaceful interactions and maintaining healthy relationships.

Read 7 Communication Mistakes That Should Be Avoided

Controlling anger is a crucial skill, and taking a step back in the heat of the moment can be highly effective. When you feel anger rising, it’s wise to refrain from directing your anger towards others. Instead, opt for a brief period of silence, explaining to those around you that you’re not feeling well and will communicate later.

Taking a moment to calm yourself is essential. You can achieve this by closing your eyes and taking deep, soothing breaths. Alternatively, a short walk or a few minutes of rest can help cool your brain and reduce the intensity of your anger. This practice enables you to regain control over your emotions and respond to the situation more rationally and calmly.

You can Control Anger with Easy Steps.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, practising silence in your communication can yield numerous benefits. Avoiding unnecessary arguments and loose talk, thinking before speaking, and ensuring your words are respectful and considerate of others are key aspects of effective communication. Being a good listener, showing respect to others, and allowing them the space to express themselves are equally important.

Embracing silence as a tool to control anger, avoid hurting others, and maintain inner peace can lead to a more successful and harmonious life. Remember that meaningful silence is often more powerful than thoughtless words. By practising these principles, you can foster better relationships, minimize conflicts, and create a more peaceful and fulfilling life for yourself and those around you.

Do you have the habit of loose talk?

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