Three Pots Animated Moral Story

Three Pots Animated Moral Story For Kids

Have you ever heard three pots animated moral story? Three pots animated moral story teaches the lesson that one’s appearance matters nothing as long they are beneficial to others. Looks are not important but what we do for others is important for happiness and success in life.

Updated on July 5, 2024

Have you ever heard three pots animated moral story? Three pots animated moral story teaches the lesson that one’s appearance matters nothing as long they are beneficial to others. Looks are not important but what we do for others is important for happiness and success in life. Continue reading the moral story of three pots and also don’t miss watching the animated video.

Three Pots Animated Moral Story

Once there lived a pot maker named Murari in a village called Mahadevpur. He would make pots, sells them in the market and with that earnings, he would raise his family. He had three pots in his home.

One day the three were talking to each other like this,

“friends, we have been friends like this for a very long time. I wish from my whole heart to live together like this forever. I wish to say, my dear friend.

But I don’t wish to live here anymore. How long should we stay here in a poor family like this? I wish someone to take me from here.

When the three pots were talking to each other, a rich man arrives at the pot maker. “listen, man, I want one nice good pot.”

Murari replied, “See sir, I don’t have a good pot or a bad pot. All the pots are good. Whichever you want you can take it, sir, please don’t mind.”

The rich man said, “I don’t want a new pot but I want an old one.”

An old one, but sir I have all the new pots except the three pots which I am already using.

“Whatever it is I want an old pot.” the man was firm on his word.

Murari had no choice but to show him the three pots.

Amongst the three the rich man chose the third pot. On this the third pot says to the other two, “look my wish is fulfilled, I am going with a rich man.”

Now saying this the third pot feels happy. The rich man pays money to Murari and takes the pot home.

The pot feels very happy to be there.

Days go by, one day when the owner was filling the water in the pot, the pot gets broken from the top.

The rich man said to himself, “oh, I brought this old pot thinking it will be stronger when compared to the new one. But look at this, it’s broken, now it is of no use to me, I should throw it.

The rich man keeps the pot away from home. The pot feels so sad and says to itself, “oh no, what should I do now? He left me abandoned. I was happy with my friends, but now I have no one to be called as mine.”

The pot sadly cries. Just then an old man passes by and sees the pot. He lifts the pot and takes it home. While the man was walking toward home, the pot thinks in its mind that he might be taking a broken pot like me. The old man keeps it home, fills water in it regularly and drinks it every day.

The pot asks the old man, “Sir, I am broken and I don’t look good, why did you bring me home? You could have bought a new one for yourself.”

The man replied, “Uh, I can’t afford to buy a new pot and if you are broken you are satisfying my thirst. That’s more important. Moreover, one’s appearance matters nothing as long they are beneficial to others. Remember it, okay! Appearance is not at all a matter.

The pot said, “You are absolutely right Sir, I was wrong. I always thought staying with the rich man will increase my value. But the truth is it doesn’t matter where we are, it is important how much we are beneficial for them.”

The pot gets its lesson. Since then it starts living happily.

After a few days, the old man brings the other two pots home. Pot three felt happy to see them and asked, “Prince, how come you both are here?”

Other posts replied, “we got scratches on us. Our owner kept us away from home. This kind old man brought us here.”

Meanwhile, the old man gets two plants and puts them in both pots and waters them every day. Friend, you wanted to go with the rich man to be happy. But finally, the poor old man, made you realise you are still beneficial when the rest of the people thought you are useless. Not only to you but also to us. Now I understood looks are not important but what we do for others is, be it rich or poor. Since then the three friends stick together happily with the old man.

This story of three pots teaches the lesson that your appearance matters nothing as long you are beneficial to others. Your look is not important but what you do for others is important for your happiness and successful life. Helping others is the best way to brighten your life.

Three Pots Animated Moral Story For Kids 

Moral – Three Pots Animated Moral Story

All your friends may not be coming from rich families. Your parents may not have enough money to give you costly dresses and other items like your friends. Your parents may not have a four-wheeler to reach your school every day. They may be struggling a lot to feed their children, educate them in good schools and give them decent dress and uniforms. If yes, have you ever felt sad about the low income of your parents? Do you feel sad when you find your parents are unable to provide you with facilities like the children of rich parents?

Final Thoughts

Did you like the story of three pots? What did you learn from this story of three pots? You have noticed about the pot which was unhappy in the poor pot maker’s house. Wrong thinking made the pot happy for a few moments, but later it understood the reality. What should you do? Challenges and failures are part of life. Don’t feed your mind with sadness like a broken pot. Always be happy with the gifts of God.

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Screenshot and story credits: YouTube

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