Covid19 WHO Coronavirus

Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures – WHO – COVID19

Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak and Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures available on the WHO website. I am sharing the information from WHO website only for spreading awareness and helping people to read the guidelines of the World Health Organisation.

Updated on July 5, 2024

Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak and Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures available on the WHO website. I am sharing the information from the WHO website only for spreading awareness and helping people to read the guidelines of the World Health Organisation. 

Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures

Kindly note that I have written the information from the WHO images manually. If you find any errors or mismatches from the images, kindly treat the information on the image as final. I would be grateful if you could notify the error in the comment box at the bottom.

What can people do to protect themselves and others from getting the new coronavirus?

There are several measures you can adopt to protect yourself against the new coronavirus. Watch this short video and find out what the recommendations from WHO experts are.

Why is it recommended to avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough?

There are several ways you can protect yourself from the new coronavirus. One of the recommended measures is to avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough. Watch this short video to learn more about it.

How is the new coronavirus affecting people who get it?

As with other respiratory illnesses, infections with 2019-nCoV can cause mild symptoms including runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever. It can be more severe for some persons, and more rarely, it can be fatal. Watch this short video to find out more.

Protection measures for persons who are in or have recently visited (past 14 days) areas where COVID-19 is spreading.

Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures – Be Ready for coronavirus

WHO is giving advice on how to protect ourselves & others:

  • Be SAFE from Coronavirus infection.
  • Be SMART & inform yourself about it.
  • Be KIND and support one another.

Be Ready To Fight COVID19 – Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures

  • Be ALERT
  • Be KIND
Be ready to fight coronavirus infection
Be ready to fight COVID19
  • Be SMART
  • Be SAFE
Be ready to fight against corona virus infection
Be ready to fight against coronavirus infection

Seek Care Immediately – COVID19

Coronavirus infection - Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures
Coronavirus infection – Call your doctor

Be SMART & Inform Yourself About COVID19 – Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures

  • Follow accurate public health advice from WHO & your local health authority.
  • Follow the news on the latest Coronavirus updates.
  • To avoid spreading rumours, always check the source you are getting information from.
  • Don’t spread rumours.


If you are 60+ or if you have an underlying condition like:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Respiratory condition
  • Diabetes

By avoiding crowded areas or places you might interact with people who are sick.

Be KIND To Support Loved Ones During COVID19

  • Check-in regularly, especially with those affected.
  • Encourage them to keep doing what they enjoy.
  • Share WHO information to manage anxieties.
  • Provide calm and correct advice for your children.
Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures- Be kind and supportive
Coronavirus Infection – Be kind and supportive

5 Indian Habits That The World Wants To Learn During COVID-19

Be KIND to address fear during COVID19

  • Show empathy to those affected.
  • Learn about the disease to assess the risks.
  • Adopt practical measures to stay safe.

How To Stay Healthy During COVID 19? | Expert Advice

Protect Yourself And Others From Getting Sick

  • Wash your hands with soap and running water when hands are visibly dirty.
  • If your hands are not visibly dirty frequently clean them with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
Coronavirus Basic Protective Measures - Wash Your Hands
Coronavirus Infection – Wash Your Hands

Wash Your Hands

  • After coughing or sneezing.
  • When caring for the sick.
  • Before, during and after you prepare food.
  • Before eating.
  • After toilet use.
  • When hands are visibly dirty.
  • After handling animals or animal waste.
Coronavirus Infection - Wash Your Hands Properly
Coronavirus Infection – Wash Your Hands Properly

COVID19 Isolation – 7 Useful Things You Can Do

Protect Others From Getting Sick

  • When coughing and sneezing cover the mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue.
  • Throw tissue into a closed bin immediately after use.
  • Clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water after coughing or sneezing and when caring for the sick.
Coronavirus Infection - Cover Mouth And Nose
Coronavirus Infection – Cover Mouth And Nose
  • Avoid close contact when you are experiencing cough and fever.
  • Avoid spitting in public.
  • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share your previous travel history with your health care provider.

COVID-19 Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Guidelines – WHO

 Coronavirus Infection - Avoid Close Contact
Coronavirus Infection – Avoid Close Contact

Source: World Health Organisation

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