Common English Phrases Spoken English

10 Common English Phrases For Daily Conversations

Find 10 common English phrases that you can use in daily conversations. You must be using these phrases in your own language. If you are an expert in English speaking, you must be familiar with these common English phrases. But if you are not an expert, you may like to learn them and use them in your daily conversations to improve your spoken English skill.

Updated on July 5, 2024

In this post, we are discussing 10 common English phrases that you can use in daily conversations. You must be using these phrases in your own language. If you are an expert in English speaking, you must be familiar with these common English phrases. But if you are not an expert, you may like to learn them and use them in your daily conversations to improve your spoken English skill.

10 Common English Phrases For Daily Conversations

  1. What if?
  2. A load off your mind / A weight off your mind
  3. It’s high time (that) / to be high time
  4. Any day/time/moment now
  5. Go to any length(s) / Go to great length(s)
  6. (Not) Breathe a word
  7. Take it out on someone
  8. Steal a glance
  9. Come what may
  10. Jump the gun
10 Common English Phrases
10 Common English Phrases For Daily Conversations

What if?

‘What if’ is used when we talk about something that can happen in the future. This phrase is usually used when we talk with doubt about something can happen or not. That also in a negative way like something bad may happen.

  • What if I don’t pass the test?
  • What if the train is late?

Here you have noticed that the phrase is used to talk about a negative thing that can happen in the future.

A load off your mind / A weight off your mind

If you say that something that happens is a load off your mind or a weight off your mind, you mean that it causes you to stop worrying, for example, because it solves a problem that you had.

A load off mind means the relief felt after sharing what one is thinking or feeling with others, or upon no longer having a particular problem.

  • Having a night out to talk over my problem with my close friend helped me get a load off my mind.
  • I finally completed my tax return for this year. That’s a load off my mind!
  • Finally, I have submitted my report. It’s a huge weight off my mind.

It’s high time (that) / to be high time

If you say that it is high time that something happened or was done, you are saying in an emphatic way that it should happen or be done now, and really should have happened or been done sooner.

  • It’s high time you cleaned your room.
  • It’s high time that you consulted a Doctor.

Any day/time/moment now

This phrase means No set or specific time or date. It can happen any day / any time / any moment now. When you say that something will happen any day now, any moment now, or any time now, you mean that it will happen very soon.

  • Any moment now the silence will be broken. 
  • It’ll happen any time now.
  • The resuts will be out any day now.

Go to any length(s) / Go to great length(s)

This phrase means To do whatever is necessary (to accomplish or attain something), no matter how extreme. You can say length or lengths.

  • They will go to any lengths to win.
  • He would go to great lengths to take a perfect picture.

Instead of ‘go to any/great lengths’ we can also say ‘go to extremes’. But the word ‘extent’ is used in a different way. If we say that something is true to an extent /to some extent /to a certain extent, we mean that it is partly but not completely true.

(Not) Breathe a word

To say something or anything.
To share information that is supposed to be kept secret. Often used in the negative to encourage silence

What does never breathe a word / Not breathe a word mean?

This means not to reveal a secret, keep concealed. You may say to your friend, “You must promise not to breathe a word of what I’m about to tell you.”

  • I was told not to breathe a word.
  • Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone!
  • Don’t breathe a word! This party is supposed to be a surprise.

Take it out on someone

To make someone else suffer or be responsible for your own mistakes, anger, sadness, etc. To treat someone badly because one feels angry, frustrated, etc.

  • Just because you are angry with him you don’t have to take it out on me.
  • I get that you’re upset, but why are you taking it out on that poor pillow?

Steal a glance

The literal meaning of steal is taking (another person’s property) without permission. But in this phrase Steal a glance at someone or something mean you look at them quickly so that nobody sees you looking.

  • The boy stole a glance to see if the teacher was watching them.
  • She stole a glance at her watch, while he went on speaking.

Come what may

This phrase means Anything happens; whatever comes about. To ignore the circumstances in order to get something done.

  • Come what may, always tell the truth.
  • We will support you, come what may.
  • I am going to board that train come what may.
  • It’s good to know that, come what may, our job is safe.

Instead of ‘come what may’, you can say ‘whatever happens’.

Jump the gun

Act before the proper or appropriate time. To start something before it is permissible, appropriate, or advisable. Do something without proper thinking, discussion, analysis and approval from the concerned.

  • Let’s not jump the gun! We need further discussion before we sign the agreement.
  • He jumped the gun and sent the details to the concerned before the boss approved them.

Final Thoughts

All the 10 common English phrases mentioned above are very useful for daily conversations. You must practise them well to use in your conversation. Hope you like them and will try to use them in your daily conversations to improve your English speaking skill.

Recommended for further reading

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References: Everyday English with Sonia The Free Dictionary Collins

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