immune system

How To Train Your Immune System?

How To Train Your Immune System?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, you might have heard many times about boosting your immune system. Many articles and videos are available on the net about immunity-boosting foods. Actually, it’s not about boosting your immune system, it’s how well trained your immune system is. This post is based on the YouTube video of Luke Coutinho, a Holistic Nutritionist specialising in the field of Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine explaining top lifestyle hacks to train your immune system.

How To Drink Water

How To Drink Water The Right Way?

Today we are going to be talking about none other than water. How do you drink your water? Shaken not stirred? Did you know that up to 60 percent of our body is made of water? Every single cell in our body needs water to survive whether it’s our digestion, lungs, heart, or lymphatic system, everything needs water. Many times if we’re feeling tired, lethargic, if we feel a bit groggy, if we have a headache when our muscles feel tight, a lot of the times it’s actually simply because we are dehydrated. It’s actually also a key component when it comes to our immunity. Our lymph system which is a system that carries around all of our immune cells like our white blood cells is actually based on water. And so to keep our lymph system and our immunity high, we have to keep our body hydrated and water only is the thing that’s going to do that.

Habits To Stay Healthy

How To Stay Healthy? | 6 Habits That You Need To Adopt To Stay Healthy

Do you know your habits have an important role in a healthy and successful life? You must adopt certain habits to stay healthy. Some habits can damage your physical and mental health. In this post, you can find expert advice on how to spend more time in nature, acquire the right eating habits, set an eating cut-off time, get rid of stress and respect your life.

Anti Aging Foods Avocado Water Blueberries Spinach Nuts

Anti Aging Foods That Will Keep You Young And Healthy

Are you worried about wrinkles and other marks appearing on your skin due to aging? Are you tired of testing different anti aging products available in the market claiming as ever youth products? Do you know beautiful, glowing skin starts with what you eat and anti aging foods can help you with more than that? A healthy diet full of anti aging foods can boost the immune system, improve skin quality, and help you to maintain better physical and mental health. In this post, you can find 9 anti aging foods to eat when you are over 40, to keep you feel young and healthy.

Stay Healthy During COVID-19

How To Stay Healthy During COVID 19? | Expert Advice

The world is going through a terrible situation because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most people have never faced this kind of situation in their life. People are searching for ways to learn how to stay healthy during COVID-19. In this post, you can find real practical advice from the experts about how to not get infected by Coronavirus and also how to stay healthy during COVID-19. This doesn’t guarantee that you will not get infected, but these measures will help to protect you from the infection.

Health Benefits Almonds immunity immune system

12 Incredible Health Benefits Of Almonds

As you know almonds are very popular nuts. Almonds are blend in with your smoothie, curry, cakes, and puddings. Almonds can be great for garnishing almost any kind of cuisine. The skin of dry almonds contains an inhibitor for enzymes, that protects the seed from germination moisture. Soaking almonds in water releases this inhibitor and hence the consumption of soaked almonds provide a myriad of nutrients and boosts digestion. Are you aware of the fact that by soaking almonds in water, you can boost the health benefits of almonds?

Health Benefits Of Apples

15 Impressive Health Benefits Of Apples

Sometimes, the simpler the food is the greater health benefits it can bring. Do you know that Apple is a healthy fruit which is packed with beneficial nutrients? The health benefits of apples are numerous. Let’s check the list of top 15 impressive health benefits of apples and why should eat at least one apple in a day.

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